We prepared material that gives students a range of occasions for speaking. It covers discussions about environment, current political and societal problems, media and music, as well as cultural approaches and insights, such as life in various regions in Germany, food, drinks, customs and traditions.
You will find two videos for every topic: one video that gives a general introduction and/or overview and the second video has an exemplary dialogue. We hope they help your students to engage with up-to-date topics in German.
I. Society
Family and Friends
1. Freundschaft – Was ist das für Sie?
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Der beste Freund / Die beste Freundin: was ist das Besondere an einer solchen Person?
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Großeltern
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Die idealen Eltern
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
5. Kinder und Eltern
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
6. Familienleben
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
1. Das Leben auf dem Land
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Das Leben in der Stadt
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Essgewohnheiten / Healthy living (Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Drogen / Alkohol / Rauchen
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
1. Internet
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Surfen auf dem Datenhighway (Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Fernsehen und Fernsehprogramme
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Die Presse
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
Global Languages and Citizenship
1. Typisch Deutsch
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. „Ossis“ und „Wessis“
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Nord und Süd
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Deutsch und/oder Türkisch und andere Sprachen
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
5. Gleichberechtigung
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
II. Learning
Learning and Education
1. Tipps zum “richtigen” Lernen
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Welcher Lerntyp bin ich?
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Das deutsche Schulsystem
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
III. Employability
School, Work & CV
1. Schule und Jobs
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Tag der Arbeit
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Praktikum
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Bewerbungsschreiben
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
IV. Culture
Planning a Trip
1. Urlaub / Reisen
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Deutschsprachige Urlaubsziele (Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Ferien mit und ohne Eltern
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Ideale Ferien
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
5. Reisevorbereitungen
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
Regional Cultures
1. Die Bayerische Kultur
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Die Pfalz
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Wintermärchen Allgäu
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
4. Weinbau an der Mosel
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
5. Der deutsche Wald
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
6. Regionale und saisonale Gerichte (Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
German Literature and Media
1. Goethe
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
2. Deutsche Märchen
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)
3. Musikfestivals
(Topic Video, Dialogue Video)